What’s in store in today’s newsletter:
The convo I had with my past and future selves this week 👀
📣 Exciting changes coming to The Spark
A journal prompt to hear the wisdom your Future Self wants to share
Thank you for being here 💗
Note: This post may cut off in your email. You can view the full post on the web here or in the Substack app.
“Literally NO ONE knows what they’re doing. Even the people you think have it all figured out — they’re just guessing.” - Me, to me.
I was SO excited for my coaching session this week. Like a good ‘lil student I had done ALL my homework (plus extra credit).
Sent 4 cold emails (+ secured a freelance writing project)
Pitched myself for a podcast
Announced my first EFT tapping workshop and (got 15 sign ups!)
Recorded an *amazing* Daily Check-In that I can’t stop yapping about
And yet.
Despite this momentum (slay 💁🏻♀️), I was still second-guessing. Overthinking the future. Comparing my progress to other people. Trying to figure out how to go from 0 to 100, fast.
My coach could see I was being really hard on myself 🫠
“Alison, what you’ve done these past few weeks is incredible. What do you think 2020 Alison — who made the huge, brave decision to quit a job she knew wasn’t for her — would tell 2025 Alison seeing where you’re at right now?
“She’d probably say, ‘What the heck happened to us? Why are we still floundering?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING?!’ She’d be so disappointed and confused.”
“And what would you tell 2020 Alison to soothe her?” my coach asked.
The answer came to me so soft and sure:
“Al, literally NO ONE knows what they’re doing. Even the people you think have it all figured out — your parents, CEOs of huge companies, that girl on IG whose biz is killing it — they’re just guessing. They’re taking the next best step with the experience and knowledge they have.”
“And if we ask 2029 Alison who is living in her beach cottage, writing and hosting workshops, what advice would she have for 2025 Alison?” she continued.
Before my coach even finished the question, I knew:
“Every step is a stepping stone.”
My shoulders relaxed, and so did I.
Slowly, slowly, wisdom gathers
I feel a lot of pressure to get it right.
To think my way through things. Have an answer. Solve for X. Take the shortest route from point A to B.
What I’ve come to understand (and have to keep reminding myself) is:
The next step isn’t something you think your way into.
(Sometimes, your best feeling guess > best educated guess)
You don’t need to know the answer right away. It will come.
(Usually a gentle nudge, a ‘yes’ in your gut, or even a ‘what if’ whisper)
I would much rather dwell where my inner wisdom and gut response meet than continue to steamroll right past it in favor of immediacy and feigned confidence.
I don’t have the answers for you. (sry, not sry)
I literally have no idea what I’m doing. (all good!)
BUT! What I can do is give you the support, structure, and inspiration to stay in motion — even when things feel hard.
Before I share this week’s journal prompts, I have an exciting announcement!
🎉I’m expanding The Spark into a paid Substack!🎉
The Spark has evolved a lot over the last 8 months — from documenting how I replenished after burnout to hosting my first journaling workshop to then going all in on Illuminate. The Spark is now a beautiful culmination of all the stepping stones I’ve taken over the last four years.
It reflects the hope and momentum that comes after burnout — when you’ve got your spark back.
Because the truth is, we have so many brilliant ideas that go unused and dreams that fade. Far too many of them die in the space between ‘thinking’ and ‘starting.’
I’m not here how to tell you how to ‘quantum leap.’
What I am here to do is help you take the first (or next) step. To start, build momentum, and keep going.
The real magic is in the small, imperfect steps.
I want YOU to give those ideas and dreams a chance.
To be the first, the next, the best.
Because… WHY NOT YOU?
What to expect from your paid subscription to The Spark:
The Spark is a paid subscription to my Substack newsletter.
For $25/month you’ll receive:
💪🏼 Monthly themes like “playing the long game” that guide your focus and keep you aligned with your goals.
👩🏻💻 Monthly live workshops: Guided journaling and EFT tapping practices to experience breakthroughs in real time, personalized guidance, and connection.
📝 Guided journal prompts: Fun, creative, and deeply thought-provoking prompts. Some days you’ll receive journal prompts to help you clear out what’s weighing you down. Other days, they will help you dream, play, and discover parts of yourself you didn’t know were there. Both are important.
👆🏼 EFT tapping practices to clear the limiting beliefs keeping you stuck, like this Daily Check-In.
✅ The exact things I’m doing to make my vision board a reality. No gatekeeping. No vague tactics. I’m sharing my highs, lows, and spirals.
If you remain a free subscriber, you’ll continue to receive:
💌 Personal stories from my own journey of making big dreams happen (spoiler: it’s messy, magical and totally worth it).
(FYI, if you were a free subscriber, the paywall would start here. Everything beyond this point would be exclusive to paid subscribers!)
You can always tap in to the wisdom of your Future Self whenever you feel yourself second-guessing, overthinking, or comparing your progress to others 💗
(which tbh happens to me almost on the daily)
Set a timer for four minutes and journal on the following prompt:
What would your Future Self (5 years from now) tell your Current Self to soothe any fears, worries, or difficulties you're experiencing?
I’d love to hear what wisdom your Future Self has to share. If you’re open to it, please share it in the comments!
Before you go, check out these resources I shared recently, designed to spark your next aha moment!